Lazy Sequences in Julia

I wanted to talk about using Coroutines for lazy sequences in julia. Because I am rewriting CorpusLoaders.jl to do so in a nondeprecated way.

This basically corresponds to C# and Python’s yield return statements. (Many other languages also have this but I think they are the most well known).

The goal of using lazy sequences is to be able to iterate though something, without having to load it all into memory. Since you are only going to be processing it a single element at a time. Potentially for some kind of moving average, or for acausal language modelling, a single window of elements at a time. Point is, at no point do I ever want to load all 20Gb of wikipedia into my program, nor all 100Gb of Amazon product reviews.

And I especially do not want to load $\infty$ bytes of every prime number.

First some definitions.


An iterable is in essence something can processed sequentially. The iterator is the tool uses to do this. Sometimes the terms are uses casually and interchangably. They exact implementation varies from language to language a surprising amount. Though the core idea remains the same.

In julia they are define by (perhaps the most formal of all) informal interfaces. In short iterators in julia are defined by a start function which takes an iterable, and gives back the initial state for an iterator upon it. a next function that takes an iterable and state and gives back the next value, and a new state, and a done function that takes the same and returns a boolean sayign if there iteratator is complete.

They also have Holy traits to define what eltype they return and how long they are. Not going to go in to this here, but I will note that specifying the eltype is a feature channels have that the 0.5 producer based code does not. and that 0.6 generators don’t have either right now.

Honestly if you are not familar with iterators the rest of this probably isn’t going to make much sense.


Coroutines are the generalisation of Functions (subroutines), to have have multiple entry and exit points. In julia they are called Task. They are most notable for being used in the implementation of @async etc. For our purposes, they have the ability to yield up control to another coroutine; and when they get control passed back to them, they resume where they left off.

Its worth noting that they are not threads. They do not themselves ever cause more than 1 thing to happen at a time on a computer. Though there are similarities in how they operate.

Coroutines can be uses to implement iterators as we will show below


I think this is best explained by examples. So here are 3.


using BenchmarkTools
using ResumableFunctions
using MacroTools


INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/wheel/oxinabox/.julia/lib/v0.6/ResumableFunctions.ji for module ResumableFunctions.

Fibonacci sequence

We will start, just to explain the concepts with the fibonacci sequence. We are not going to touch the slow recussive definition (recall that julia does not have tail call recursion). That is not the point we want to illustrate here.

Fibonacci Array

To begin with an array based methods. This of course does not actually satisfy our goal of being an infinite sequence. You must tell it how many to generate in advance. As we will see later it is absurdly fast compaired to any of the lazy methods. It does however use the full amount of RAM it ever needs all the time. Where as the lazy methods that follow only need at any point a fixed amount of RAM. This doesn’t matter for Fibonacci, as it doesn’t use much memory. It would however matter if you were loading hundreds of gigabytes of machine learning data.

As a side note fibonacci numbers very quickly overflow an Int64 long before it can get to the 10_000. but that is ok for out demonstration purposes


function fib_array(n)
    ret = Vector{Int}(n)
    for ii in 1:n
        @inbounds ret[ii] = cur
        prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur) # nice little avoiding a temp here


fib_array (generic function with 1 method)


@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_array(10_000), 10_000));


  139.434 μs

Fibonancii Producer Task (deprecated)

Tasks in 0.5 used to have a kind of built in functionality similar to Channel/put!. (They still kind of do at a lower level, but it is no longer exposed as an iterable) This was depreated in 0.6 at #19841, and is not in 0.7-dev. Here for reference is what it would look like.


function fib_task()
    Task() do
            prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur) # nice little avoiding a temp here


fib_task (generic function with 1 method)

It is actually easier to explain than the newer Channels way so I will explain it first. In the main task there is (will be) an iterator. When next is called on that iterator, the main task calls consume, which yields control to a Task which is running the code in the do block. When that code hits a produce it yields control back to the main iterator Task, returning the value from produce to the consume call, which results n next returning that value. When next is called again in the main task, it will again call consume which will result in the control being yielded back to the generating task, which will continue on from where it left, immediately after the produce call. This is how coroutines are used for generating data. As they can pause midway through a function return a result and contine after when asked to.

I’m not displaying its timings here as it basically shoots a giant pile of deprecation warnings. It is about 5 seconds, though some of that slowness might be attributed to the deprecation warnings slowing things down.

Fibonacci Channel

This is what we are really talking about. From a pure logic standpoint on can think of this as functioning just like the task. Where put! triggers a yeild to the main iterator task, and take! (inside next) triggers a yield back down the the generating task. What is actually happening is similar, but with a buffer involved.

The function passed to a channel runs its own Task until it tries to do a put! when the buffer is full. When that happens it yields control back to the main Task, and “sleeps” the generating task. Which durng iteration will take! an element off the buffer, which will rewake the Task that wants to put things on the buffer (it @scheduals it to act). But it will not nesciarily get it to run straight away, the main (iterator) Task does not yield until the buffer is empty and it can’t do a take!. (though something else, like IO might triger a yield, but not in this code).


function fib_ch(buff=1)
    Channel(ctype=Int, csize=buff) do c
            put!(c, cur)
            prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur) # nice little avoiding a temp here


fib_ch (generic function with 2 methods)


@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_ch(1), 10_000));
@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_ch(10), 10_000));
@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_ch(256), 10_000));
@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_ch(10_000), 10_000));


  34.581 ms (60016 allocations: 1.48 MiB)
  6.640 ms (42037 allocations: 1.20 MiB)
  3.554 ms (40613 allocations: 1.19 MiB)
  5.671 ms (60030 allocations: 1.98 MiB)

It took me a little time to get my head around what the buffer was (because Task producer didn’t use them). It retrospect is is obvious. It is a buffer. The point of the buffer from a practical point of view is that it means that there is less task switching. Modern CPU speeds work because the CPU is very efficient at running predictable code. Everything stays in cache, pipelining occurs, maybe even SIMD. Not to mention doing a task switch itself has an overhead. So the buffer lets that be avoided, while still avoiding doing all the (potentially infinite) amount of work that would be done in the array case.

The trade-off is in how big to make your buffer. Too small and you do task switching anyway, losing the advantages. Too large and you end up calculating more outputs than you will consume, and use a lot of memory at any point in time.

I initially made the mistake of setting the buffer size to typemax(Int64), which resulted in the code hanging, until I did an interupt with Ctrl + C. Which resulted it in completing normally with no errors. (because it killed the task, midway through filling the huge buffer, well after the points I needed were enqueued).

For interest below is a plot of the timings with different buffer sizes.


buff_sizes = 2.^(0:15)
for buff in buff_sizes
    time = @belapsed collect(Iterators.take(fib_ch($buff), 10_000));
    push!(times, time)

using Plots; gr()
plot(buff_sizes, times.*1000; xscale=:log10, title="Effect of varying channel buffer size for fib_ch", ylabel="time (ms)", xlabel="Buffer Size")


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>

10^0 10^1 10^2 10^3 10^4 5 10 15 20 25 30 Effect of varying channel buffer size for fib_ch Buffer Size time (ms) y1

Fibonacci ResumableFunction

So channels are pretty great. Easy to write and nice.

One problem is, as you can see compared to arrays they are very slow. Especially if you have a buffer that is too small or too large. They also allocate (and then free) a lot of memory.

Enter ResumableFunctions.jl.

ResumableFunctions lets you keep the same “coroutines pausing after every output” logical model. But in implementation, it is actually using macros to rewrite your code into a normal iterator, with a state machine (in the state) tracking where it is upto. The result of this is (normally) faster, more memory efficient code.

It uses @yield instead of put! (or produce), and the whole function has to be wrapped in a @resumable macro, which does the rewrite.


@resumable function fib_rf()
        @yield cur
        prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur) # nice little avoiding a temp here


fib_rf (generic function with 1 method)


@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_rf(), 10_000));


  989.016 μs (10003 allocations: 412.83 KiB)

For interest this is what the code it is generating looks like:


        @resumable function fib_rf()
                @yield cur
                prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur)
)|> MacroTools.striplines


        mutable struct ##835 <: ResumableFunctions.FiniteStateMachineIterator
            function ##835(; )::##835
                fsmi = new()
                fsmi._state = 0x00
    function (_fsmi::##835)(_arg::Any=nothing; )::Any
        _fsmi._state == 0x00 && $(Expr(:symbolicgoto, Symbol("#367#_STATE_0")))
        _fsmi._state == 0x01 && $(Expr(:symbolicgoto, Symbol("#366#_STATE_1")))
        error("@resumable function has stopped!")
        $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#367#_STATE_0")))
        _fsmi._state = 0xff
        _arg isa Exception && throw(_arg)
        _fsmi.prev = 0
        _fsmi.cur = 1
        while true
            _fsmi._state = 0x01
            return _fsmi.cur
            $(Expr(:symboliclabel, Symbol("#366#_STATE_1")))
            _fsmi._state = 0xff
            _arg isa Exception && throw(_arg)
            (_fsmi.prev, _fsmi.cur) = (_fsmi.cur, _fsmi.prev + _fsmi.cur)
    function fib_rf(; )::##835

Its pretty neat. those $(Expr(:symbolicgoto... are julia’s good old fashion @label and @goto macros (just expanded because macroexpand). See there is no actual Task switching occuring in the expanded code.

On difference compared to using Channels is that the final element returned from a ResumableFunction is the return value of the resumable function itself. In the case of infinite series (like fib) this doesnn’t matter, since there is no late value. but for finite iterables it does. and it can make writing the resumable function difficult. (I’m not sure if it would be possible to modify @resumable in order to not do this. I think it would be nontrivial.) See ResumableFunctions.jl/#2.

Generator Fibonacci

Perhaps the most well known way of creating lazy sequences in julia are generator expressions. (foo(x) for x in bar). They can also be written in do block functional form as shown below.


function fib_gen()
    Base.Generator(Iterators.cycle(true)) do _
        out = cur
        prev, cur = (cur, prev+cur)


fib_gen (generic function with 1 method)


@btime collect(Iterators.take(fib_gen(), 10_000));


  6.339 ms (49983 allocations: 1.30 MiB)

Generators are not as flexible as the coroutine technieques above. Because they can only have a single return statement. They are fine this time, because that is all you need for Fibonacci. The will not work for out next example though. (You can do it but it is complicated and I think kinda slow)


Interleave is a iterator operation. Interleave takes an set of iterables, and outputs one element from each in turn. It is basically the transpose of IterTools.chain.

It is the basic of the logic programming language Microkanren. It allows the language to have infinite pending parellel checks, but to terminate if any one branch find the answer. We are not going to implement microkanren today, though some people have made julia implementsions before. MuKanren.jl, LilKanren.jl (I’ve not tried these to see if they currently work. Today is not a day I need a logic programming language.).


function interleave_ch(xs...)
    states = Base.start.(collect(xs))
    Channel(csize=256, ctype=Union{eltype.(xs)...}) do c       
        while true
            alldone = true
            for ii in eachindex(states)
                if !Base.done(xs[ii], states[ii])
                    val, states[ii] = next(xs[ii], states[ii])
                    put!(c, val)
            alldone && break


collect(Iterators.take(interleave_ch(fib_ch(), 100:300:900, 'a':'z'), 20)) |> showcompact


Union{Char, Int64}[1, 100, 'a', 1, 400, 'b', 2, 700, 'c', 3, 'd', 5, 'e', 8, 'f', 13, 'g', 21, 'h', 34]


@btime collect(Iterators.take(interleave_ch(fib_ch(), 100:300:900, 'a':'z'), 20));


  1.103 ms (2875 allocations: 79.52 KiB)


@resumable function interleave_rf(xs...)
    states = Base.start.(collect(xs))
    while true
        alldone = true
        for ii in eachindex(states)
            if !Base.done(xs[ii], states[ii])
                val, states[ii] = next(xs[ii], states[ii])
                @yield val
        alldone && break


interleave_rf (generic function with 1 method)


collect(Iterators.take(interleave_rf(fib_rf(), 100:300:900, 'a':'z'), 20)) |> showcompact


Any[1, 100, 'a', 1, 400, 'b', 2, 700, 'c', 3, 'd', 5, 'e', 8, 'f', 13, 'g', 21, 'h', 34]


@btime collect(Iterators.take(interleave_rf(fib_rf(), 100:300:900, 'a':'z'), 20));


  215.821 μs (510 allocations: 21.22 KiB)

Another big win for timing for Resumable functions there (though it doesn’t catch the eltype. but to be fair the channel took it as an explict parameter). One thing to mention with resumable functions is that if they reach the end of the iteration they will include in it the final returned value by the function. Normally nothing. Eg:


collect(interleave_rf(1:3, 'a':'c')) |> showcompact


Any[1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3, 'c', nothing]


collect(interleave_ch(1:3, 'a':'c')) |> showcompact


Union{Char, Int64}[1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3, 'c']


This example is not so good because even the iterator version has to keep all past outputs in memory. However, I’ll show it off here, because its a kinda neat algorith for finding all primes.

(The array version is also going to be faster, even faster in this case, because one can use the Prime Number Theorem to estimate how many primes are less than the number to check up to, and sizehint! the array the to be returned.)

If a number is prime, then no prime (except the number itself), will divide it. Since if it has a divisor that is nonprime, then that divisor itself, will have a prime divisor that will divide the whole. So we only need to check primes as candidate divisors. Further: one does not need to check divisiability by all prior primes in order to check if a number $s$ is prime. One only needs to check divisibility by the primes less than or equal to $\sqrt{x}$, since if $x=a \times b$, for some $a>\sqrt{x}$ that would imply that $b<\sqrt{x}$, and so its composite nature would have been found when $b$ was checked as a divisor.

Primes Channel


function primes_ch()
    known_primes = BigInt[2]
    Channel(csize=256, ctype=BigInt) do c
        x = big"3"
        put!(c, 2) # Output the first prime, as we already put int in the list of known primes
        while true
            for p in known_primes
                if p > sqrt(x)
                    # Must be prime as we have not found any divisor
                    push!(known_primes, x)
                    put!(c, x)
                if x % p == 0 # p divides
                    # not prime


primes_ch (generic function with 1 method)


collect(Iterators.take(primes_ch(), 100)) |> showcompact


BigInt[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541]


@btime collect(Iterators.take(primes_ch(), 1000));


  56.644 ms (354943 allocations: 13.77 MiB)

Primes Resumable Function


@resumable function primes_rf()
    known_primes = BigInt[2]
    x = big"3"
    @yield big"2" # Output the first prime, as we already put int in the list of known primes
    while true
        for p in known_primes
            if p > sqrt(x)
                # Must be prime as we have not found any divisor
                push!(known_primes, x)
                @yield x
            if x % p == 0 # p divides
                # not prime



primes_rf (generic function with 1 method)


@btime collect(Iterators.take(primes_rf(), 1000));


  107.033 ms (365256 allocations: 13.28 MiB)

Interestingly, the channel version is 2x as fast as the ResumableFunctions version. I’m not sure why that is. Could be cache related.


These coroutine based sequence generators are pretty great. They are much more flexible than generator expressions. They are much less annoying to write than custom iterators. They let you do things lazily to avoid using all your RAM.

They’ll probably get faster in future version of julia. ResumableFunctions.jl is a neat package to keep an eye on.